Wednesday, 18 August 2010

The Secret to Building Big Muscles

Most men want to build big muscles and be ripped at the same time. But, most men always seem to hit a plateau where they just can't seem to get any bigger. And usually, they think it is there training that is the problem. But the real culprit is not their training, but their diet. Today, I will give you the basic plan for any man to build bigger and bigger muscles.

First, lets start with the training. To build big muscles, you need to lift heavy weights. You want to focus on compound exercises that focus on multiple muscle groups. The basic exercises you should be focusing on are:

1. Bench Presses
2. Back Rows, (Dumbbell or Barbell Rows)
3. Shoulder Barbell Presses
4. Lat Pulldowns
5. Squats
6. Leg Presses
7. Deadlifts

These are 7 of the most basic, yet muscle building exercises, that will stimulate growth in your muscles. You also need to lift these heavy weights in a certain rep ranges that stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers. These are the fibers that are responsible for the majority of muscle size. The ideal rep range to build large muscles is between 6 and 12 reps.

Next, is the diet. This is the area that most men fail at. Not eating the right foods, or the right amounts, or the right combinations. To make this simple, here is a great starting point. You should be eating about 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass that you have. Next, start out with at least 2 grams of complex carbohydrates for every pound you weigh. Then with fat, you should be consuming around 20% of your calories from fat.

Now, if your muscles are not growing, you should up your complex carbs and protein a little bit. If you are gaining some fat, drop the carbs back a little. Just experiment what will work for you. And remember, the more muscle you gain the more high quality calories you will have to consume.

Ron Khawar
Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutritionist

Ron Khawar has been a certified personal trainer and nutritionist for 17 years, helping thousands of people lose weight, tone muscle, and become much healthier.

Ron Khawar is the owner of Getting Fit Personal Training, located in Orange County, California. His team of qualified expert trainers help transform the residents of Orange County through their innovative and advanced training techniques.

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